Is your outdoor route data incorrect? Your app shuts down when you try to create a route or displays a straight line all along your route? This article is for you!
If you own a Samsung smartphone, you might experience issues with the GPS in the app, and without any configuration on your part, there is the risk of it automatically shutting down when out on your outdoor routes. To avoid this, we have made a list of things to check.
Step 1:
Our technical support team have done what is necessary to configure your device. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen when you go to the "Create" tab in the app, it will then get automatically configured 😊
1. When the message "Allow app to run in the background" appears, click on "Next"
2. When the message "Always allow in the background" appears, click on "Confirm"
Please note: if you do not confirm this step, this message will reappear each time you attempt to create a route to warn you of the risk of the GPS being disconnected due to the wrong settings.
If the problem persists despite this configuration, you can manually configure your device by following these instructions:
Step 2:
For Samsung phones up to Android 11:
1. Go to your phone's Settings
2. Select "Applications" then "Manage apps"
3. Search for "Decathlon Outdoor"
4. Click on "Battery"
5. Select "Do not optimize" or "No restrictions"
For Samsung phones with Android 12 and over:
1. Go to your phone's Settings
2. Select "Applications"
3. Search for "Decathlon Outdoor"
4. Click on "Battery"
5. Select "Unrestricted"
You can now use your app freely when en route with Decathlon Outdoor and enjoy accurate and uninterrupted GPS tracking.
For your information:
Please note that low power mode, available from your phone's notification bar, could alter the quality of the GPS tracking. Our app has already been optimised for battery usage and GPS accuracy, so we do not recommend activating this option.
If the problem persists despite updating these settings, do not hesitate to send us a request.