To be able to rate or comment on an outdoor route, you are required to be geolocated on it, in other words, with navigation started in the app.
You can rate and comment on a route automatically on your arrival. You can also do it when you have stopped navigation, even en route (by clicking on the x in the top left-hand corner) and even if there is no network. Your rating and comments will then be saved on your phone and sent to our servers as soon as your phone reconnects to the network.
This rating screen, allowing you to rate and comment on an outdoor route, is therefore displayed twice after navigation is stopped:
-once, straight after stopping navigation (finishing the route)
-a second time when you open the app again (after closing it without rating or commenting on the route). You will be invited to comment or rate the outdoor route taken if you did not do it straight after having stopped navigation or when you arrive at the route.