To maintain the quality and consistency of our catalogue, our moderation team has several quality standards to check before publishing your creations in the app.
Good to know:
- The minimum distance for an outdoor route on foot is 2 kilometres
- The minimum distance for an outdoor route by bike is 4 kilometres
- The route must be located in an urban or natural area with special points of interest (lovely landscapes, historical or cultural areas, particular wildlife, etc.).
- The outdoor route must not cross private land or areas with regulated access or not permitted.
- If the route does not meet the expected minimum distance, you must explain why it is impossible to access an exceptional piece of natural or cultural heritage.
What is more, we prefer creations that:
- Form circular routes
- On paths
- At least 70% different to a route that already exists.
Any creation that does not meet the quality standards above will not be selected by our moderation team.
If you want more details specific to your situation, we recommend reading the following articles depending on the reason given for turning down your creation that applies to you:
1. Identical route - Why was my creation not selected?
2. Asphalted route/points of interest - Why was my creation not selected?
3. Missing GPS data - Why was my creation not selected?
4. Distance/Difficulty - Why was my creation not selected?
5. Type of sport - Why was my creation not selected?
6. Outdoor route abroad - Why was my creation not selected?
If, however, you need additional information, feel free to send us a request.